How Do I Know if I Have a Baby Bump

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How do you know if you have a baby bump?

(13 Posts)

Jellybaby13 Sun 17-Feb-19 18:53:04

Ok, this may seem like a really weird question...but...I'm on week 9 at the moment and it's my first pregnancy so I don't expect to have a bump at all.

However, I want to start measuring and taking bump photos. I took a picture when I found out at week 5 to show my starting point.

Another factor I want to throw in is that I've gained 5lbs from increased appetite and trying to suppress my nausea (only food does it!) so I'm not sure whether I'm going to be able to tell the difference between a bump and belly fat.

I guess my main question is, is there a distinct way of knowing you have a baby bump and not just belly fat? hmm

Mamaryllis Sun 17-Feb-19 18:55:23

You'll know when you have one grin the fat phase last forever though. grin

MummaGiles Sun 17-Feb-19 18:57:54

At around 9 weeks you tend to bloat a lot.

Cheeseandapple Sun 17-Feb-19 18:58:12

The baby bump will feel different to your tummy. I remember suddenly I could feel something solid in there when I pushed on my stomach. I think I was about 17 weeks when I could tell with no top on and about 20 weeks when colleagues could tell.

ShabbyAbby Sun 17-Feb-19 19:01:32

When other people start touching it as though it is it's own thing and no longer a part of you

Ambs81 Sun 17-Feb-19 19:12:52

It looks and feels very different, my first baby I didn't get it until 16weeks xx

Justus22 Sun 17-Feb-19 19:13:01

I get big bumps but I reckon around 12 weeks I could tell, when I lay down there was a hard lump quite low down (the size of my. Hand) but then it starts to raise up and my husband could see within the next 2 weeks and others started noticing around 16 weeks. X

Newyearsameoldshit Sun 17-Feb-19 20:22:04

When you can't suck it in!

Spargle Sun 17-Feb-19 21:09:44

It may not be a "baby bump" right now, but it's because of the baby, so you're not being entirely inaccurate if you describe it as such!

Jellybaby13 Mon 25-Feb-19 07:13:20

Thank you everyone for your responses! 😊 I THINK I'm starting to see one now at just over 10 weeks but only a tiny one!

Mammyloveswine Mon 25-Feb-19 07:26:30

I was about 25 weeks both times before I had anything even resembling a bump and over 30 before I was obviously pregnant. Everybody carries differently.

Congratulations it's a very exciting time!

Birdie6 Mon 25-Feb-19 07:33:39

The best way to actually feel your uterus is - lie down on the bed. Feel your pubic bone - the bone where your pubic hair grows. Press fairly hard , up to the top of the bone. Where the bone finishes, that is where the top of the uterus will appear at about 12 weeks. It will feel quite different from anything else in the area - like the top of a tennis ball, firm but able to be pushed around a bit. That's your bump. Each week the bump will rise up higher , coming up out of your pelvis. It's a nice thing to feel it coming up, and knowing that your baby is in there. Good luck !

ShabbyAbby Mon 25-Feb-19 10:44:33

I just look fat until the third trimester
Then suddenly everyone starts touching it and asking when I'm due

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How Do I Know if I Have a Baby Bump


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